Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

+ 297 280 9639

Frankrijkstraat 1

Oranjestad, Aruba

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Sandira Bislip

Dietician / Nutritionist Sandira Bislip

Dietician / Nutritionist

A realistic, food first and evidence based approach toward a healthy lifestyle.

Sandira Bislip obtained her bachelor’s degree inย Nutrition and Dietetics in The Hague, Netherlands. Apart from being an independent dietician she also works with JUMP18, which is a program in the area of prevention of child obesity. Her main focus is on preventing diabetes and obesity, as well as promoting a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. Her mission is to create awareness in the Aruban community to lead a lifestyle with health and many benefits.

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Dietician / Nutritionist
Contact Info
(+297) 569 2004

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